In observance of Veteran's Day,

this office will be closed on Monday, November 11.

Business will resume Tuesday, November 12 at 8:30am.


The WCBA Traffic Safety Program offers two ways in which to satisfy your traffic school requirement:  An Online class administered by National Safety Council and Live classes administered by the Will County Bar Association.

Before you Register

Ensure you are eligible for traffic school!  

  • You are not eligible for traffic school if you have attended the class in the previous 12 months unless otherwise directed by Will County Circuit Court.
  • You cannot register for traffic school if your citation includes "COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED".

You may receive court supervision from the judge at your court date, which may include traffic school attendance.  In this circumstance, you can register for traffic school in court on or after your court date.

Consider which class format might be best for you

  • Online classes offer the greatest flexibility in when and where you take the course. Learn more>
  • Live classes allow you to take the course at a pre-determined time and location. Learn more>